Some say that Nicky Hilton can’t hold a candle to her big sis Paris in terms of popularity from the general public, but she’s doing quite nicely for herself as a fashion designer and occasional model. She launched her own clothing line, Chick by Nicky Hilton, in 2004 and also designed a line of handbags for Japanese company Samantha Thavasa. In 2005 she modeled for the Australian underwear company Antz Pantz and even entered into a partnership in 2006 to open two Nicky O hotels. Nothing ever came of the venture and Nicky wound up being sued for breach of contract, but hey—at least she hasn’t been arrested for drug possession, right?
When you’re a Hilton, avoiding the paparazzi is an everyday affair and Nicky tried to hide her eyes behind this pair of Valentino sunglasses. They’re available in three color combos.
Buy these now: Valentino 5619/S, $239