
If you’re a red-blooded male who happened to be in front of the NYC Victoria’s Secret store in SoHo this past Wednesday, boy did you get a treat. The flawless VS Angel, Adriana Lima, debuted the brand new, custom-made, diamond-encrusted $2 million Fantasy Bombshell bra by posing in it right outside the store. The blingy bra, which weighs in at a whopping 142 carats, including 60 carats of white diamonds, and 82 carats of topazes and sapphires, was designed in collaboration with Italian jeweler Damiani, and took six craftsmen 1,500 hours of work to complete. And as for Adriana, she looked svelte as ever in her dazzling display, even fresh off having a baby girl with hubby, former NBA basketballer Marko Jaricless, less than a year ago. Here she works a pair of Christian Dior sunglasses in all their glam glory.  If you did miss the display, don’t fret, the Brazilian supermodel will don the bra again for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, airing November 30 on CBS.  –rpuccia

Buy these now: Christian Dior Symbol 3/S, $184