Photo: Coolspotters.com
Well-known for her humanitarian efforts, the female half of the world’s favorite superstar couple visited Libya last week. “I have come to Libya for a variety of reasons, to see a country in transition at every level and to witness efforts to fully realize the promise of the Arab Spring,”Angelina Jolie told global news agency Reuters. The two-day trip to Libya was a personal visit, but when she’s not acting in blockbuster hits, playing mom to her brood of six (Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne) or snuggling up with Brad Pitt, she serves as an ambassador for the United Nations refugee agency UNHCR.
On the home front, Angie and Brad have put one of their mansions on the market. (Yes, one of their mansions! Can you even imagine?!) The gorgeous Malibu pad, which is set into a hillside overlooking the Pacific, is listed at a cool $13.75 million. The 4100 square foot property has private beach access and consists of two separate houses, a pool, tennis court, and gardens. Considering that they were just named the third highest-earning couple in Hollywood by Forbes just behind Gisele Bunchen and Tom Brady and Beyonce and Jay-Z, money worries certainly aren’t the reason the super-couple has listed the home for sale. Here’s Angelina sporting her usual black topped off with a pair of Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses while adorable daughter Vivienne is as cute as a Benjamin Button in pink.
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