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Jaden Smith is cool in a red and black leather jacket, with Ray Ban sunglasses, dreads and a spiked bow tie. The 14 year old singer and his father, Will Smith, cover New York Magazine, the summer edition, this year. Jaden opened up about fame: “I think it’s fun, except when people make up stuff about you. Then it’s not so much fun. But besides that, I enjoy it,” he said, wisely. His father, on the other hand, feels the need to explain himself: “It may seem like we have pushed our kids into the business, but that is absolutely insane. I would never, ever, push somebody to have their face on a poster that’s going be everywhere in the world. He is making a choice from the informed. It’s less scary to me than if he wanted to be a dentist in that I couldn’t help with what he’d chosen. I have relationships with some of the biggest filmmakers and actors and producers on Earth. So I can be a huge help.” Then Jaden is in luck, for sure!
Get the look: Ray Ban RJ9035s sunglasses, $47.