Photo: Splash News

Photo: Splash News

Beyonce struts her stuff in a top bun, pink lipstick and Prada sunglasses, making a real appearance wherever she goes. The singer recently showed her support for gay marriage, but posting a hand-written note on her Intagram account, right after the heated debates in the Supreme Court last week. Written on red paper, the note reads: “If you like it you should be able to put a ring on it #WeWillUniteForMarriageEquality.” Beyonce’s latest endeavor is an animation, Epic, where she is the voice of Queen Tara, a queen of the forest. “What I like most about Tara is that she sets a great example for the people that she protects. The film is about how everything in our life connects,” she confessed. She also mentions that everything in the movie is big, living up to the title, but also that she always wanted to be a queen. We believe she already is.

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