
We loved seeing Taylor Swift in a pair of polka dots jeans with kitty flats, a cardigan, pearls and the Ray Ban Wayfarers, during her visit in London. The 22-year old  is about to launch her fourth album, “Red” at the end of October, including 16 tracks, and counting the hit single “We are never ever getting back together” and a duet with Ed Sheeran. You’d think with so much success, the singer doesn’t know what stage fright is. However, the blonde told the press that she needs to talk to herself in the mirror before shows, to calm herself down. This happens particularly during festivals, when the crowd may not be there for her specifically: “I don’t get nervous when I’m going on stage and a crowd of people have bought tickets to see me, because I’m like, ‘You guys totally want to be here.’ It’s when I’m not sure if people want me to be on stage,” she says.

Get the look: Ray Ban RB2140 sunglasses, $109.