Charlize Theron

Photo: sunglassesitaly

37 year old Charlize Theron is no longer the goldie locks pictured above in Tom Ford sunglasses – the actress now rocks a super short do, as a result of her filming for Mad Max: Fury Road this summer. And who knew she wasn’t a natural blonde? Theron is currently in her native Cape Town, South Africa, where she spends time with baby boy Jackson and her mom, between two shoots for the Mad Maxsequel. “This film is significant because it is the largest commercial film that has been produced in South Africa. It’s a major Hollywood production. Its presence here is going to be creating 800 jobs in South Africa for the duration of that particular film. So I think this marks a milestone in an evolving programme of support for the film industry,” said Minister Rob Davies at the Cape Town Film Studios. However, it seems that Theron and her co-star, Tom Hardy, are struggling to get on on set. “Professionally, they are doing a wonderful job, but in-between takes Tom likes to stay in character and is constantly talking to himself and mumbling things,” a source told the press.

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