jessica simpson gucci sunglasses


Jessica Simpson looks casual in a plaid shirt and a pair of leather Gucci sunglasses, as well as her signature hoop earrings. But it’s the singer’s casual approach that made her out something she didn’t want to: “It’s a total different pregnancy. I just feel awful. I’ve been vomiting. I had no idea that a wiener can make me nauseous,” she said on Jimmy Kimmel‘ show. “Oh shucks! Well I guess told the world that I was having a boy. I just outed that I am having a boy. I can’t believe I did that. It was not planned. It was kind of out and about in the press that I was having a boy. I was like ‘How do people know these things’?” Now that that’s confirmed, Simpson also discussed having children before being married: “I keep planning on getting married, but I keep getting knocked up. It’s just one of those things. Maybe I should go back to when I was younger, I was a virgin before I was married, so maybe I should just completely reverse and stop having sex altogether until Eric [Johnson] and I actually say I do,” she said. Wait, what?

Get the look: Gucci 2887 sunglasses, $338.