The actor was attacked on March 23rd, after allegedly running out of gas in the dangerous neighborhood.
Skid Row is an area of downtown Los Angeles containing the largest homeless population of the United States. According to Wikipedia, “the sidewalks are lined with cardboard boxes, tents, and shopping carts.” As a long time resident of the City of Angels, Zac Efron should have known better than to go in that side of it. The 26 year old actor stated that he was attacked by a homeless man in Skid Row, after running out of gas in the area. However, the fact that he was in rehab for drugs twice makes some source (via Hollywood Life) believe he may have been actually just looking for drugs. On the other hand, the actor’s bodyguard stated that Zac was very brave during the attack, and he even saved his life! The bodyguard spoke with TMZ, but didn’t give a fully coherent story about the incident. You could read between the lines that Zac tried to protect him during the attack which included “a spear” and a broken bottle used as weapons.
Zac Efron hasn’t stated anything about the incident since. He has, however, promoted his new movie, Neighbors on Twitter and other social media. The comedy, which hits theaters in the US on May 9th, is about a family with a newborn baby (Seth Rogan & Rose Byrne) who move into a new house because of arrested development. The house next door, however, is a fraternity, led by Efron. It gets messy, and funny.
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