A longtime admirer of anything Prada, Katy Perry has been recently spotted wearing Prada head to toe: from the Prada sunglasses to the dress, bag and heels. Even a member of her crew was wearing the same Prada sunglasses as the singer, except in a different color! Katy Perry attended the MTV’s Video Music Awards with her BFF Rihanna, and she seemed distracted through the entire show. Could have to do with the fact that the VMAs was where she first met ex-husband Russel Brand… Soon after, she kissed two One Direction band members on the lips, as she was handing them awards. The night finished with Perry seeing her on again off again boyfriend John Mayer, as the two apparently retreated at a hotel. Despite her wild night out, Perry still has her soft side: the 27 year old singer donned a tutu and a tiara on Ellen, for the cute tea party segment hosted by Sophia Grace and Rosie, the adorable internet sensations.

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