Tom Cruise went through a scare this weekend, as his security guard used a stun gun on a would-be prowler, who turned out to be just a drunk neighbor who got the houses wrong. Apparently the person was climbing the fence of Cruise’s property, when the bodyguard noticed him and took action. After the box office success of Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, Cruise revealed that a new sequel is in talks for the movie: “We’re already working on different images. Talking conceptually,” he mentioned, and then continued: “Seeing an audience respond… to have that experience is really wonderful. I started Mission: Impossible hoping I could make many of them. It’s a character that I can grow with.” Filming for All You Need is Kill in Britain has kept the actor away from Hollywood, and away from daughter Suri for the past three months. Accordingly, Cruise thinks he’s entitled to having the kid for Christmas, but we’re not sure what ex-wife Katie Holmes has to say on the matter, given that her and the kid have been inseparable since the divorce this summer. Here’s a picture of the two from when they were still a couple, donning all black and dark sunglasses.
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