Lauren Conrad knows her style! In skinny jeans, a nude top, platforms, Chanel bag and Gucci sunglasses, the starlet was seen doing some shopping. The 26 year old appeared on the cover of Allure last month, the fashion designer reveals that she’s not that comfortable with the sexy act. Unlike her formers co-stars from The Hills and Laguna Beach, Conrad kept a low profile, focusing on fashion and writing. She also mentions: ‘I think anyone in the public eye is going to be hated, and a lesson that I needed to learn very quickly is that it is impossible to please everybody. One person will call you classy, and another will call you boring.’ Conrad thinks that being humble is beautiful, and that it shows. And to show just how beautiful she is on the inside, the blogger just adopted a new puppy from the shelter, and named him Fitz. “All I want to do is take pictures of this little cutie,” she teweeted.
Get Lauren’s look: Gucci 3155/s sunglasses, $221 + free shipping.
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