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Celebrity news roundup 4-10 November
Home/Celebrity news roundup 4-10 November
Celebrity news roundup 4-10 November

- Eminem‘s new album is not less controversial than his usual stuff (Source: CNN)
- Courtney Love covers Fashion magazine and looked pulled together (Source: Fashion Gone Rogue)
- Jennifer Aniston cut her hair into a bob, while Jennifer Lawrence went for a pixie (Source: NY Daily News & E Online)
- Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus & Britney Spears launched new songs (Source: CSW)
- Madonna covered Lady Gaga‘s song. Meanwhile, Gaga covers Glamour magazine (Source: Just Jared & Fashion Gone Rogue)
- Lea Michele covers Elle magazine and discussed her recent loss (Source: Fashion Gone Rogue)
- Model & singer Sky Ferreira lands Maison Kitsune campaign (Source: Fashion Gone Rogue)
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